Information on Pattaya
The best way to describe Pattaya Weather throughout most of the year is tropical and humid.
Although many parts of Thailand experience only 2 seasons during the year, the hot season and the rainy season, Pattaya actually has 3 seasons and they are usually very well defined.
More often than not you will find that during the months of:

• November to February the weather is mostly dry with plenty of sunshine, however you will find that there is a little breeze especially during the evening.
• March to April and the weather is very dry and extremely sunny, there is very little breeze, with temperatures reaching their peaks during this season.
• May to October is when you will find the weather is affected by the monsoons; this is when hot sunny days can be interrupted by torrential downpours.
In Pattaya September and October are the months when the most rain falls, it is also very humid with temperatures around 30 degrees. April in this City, like the rest of Thailand is without doubt by far the hottest month, temperatures can reach 40 degrees and beyond during this time.

Probably the best time to visit Pattaya from a weather point of view is between the months of November and February, this is for two reasons. Firstly during these months you will find that there is very little rain if any, and during the evening you will find a cool breeze which gives a well deserved break from the day’s sun.
Secondly, depending on where you are travelling from, the weather back home in many countries at this time of year can is rainy, snowy and freezing cold. Which means most people can’t wait to get away from it all to a beautiful, tropical and sunny country such as Thailand.
For the very latest Pattaya Weather Forecast, just check out the weather finder below. This easy to use gadget is very straight forward, at present it shows the current temperature, wind speed, pressure and conditions for Pattaya.
If you look directly under the pressure readings you will see a click for full forecast link, or look above the find weather box and you’ll see the detailed forecast link. By clicking on either of these links a new page will open and show you the full weather forecast for the next 5 days. There you will also have access to information like sunrise and sunset times, as well as lots more weather related information.
Should you wish to find the weather forecast for any other resort or region of Thailand, then simply type the name into the box marked Find Weather and then click Go, this will again open a new window with the full 5 day forecast for your chosen location, along with lots more useful information.
By using the above weather forecast tool you can keep up to date on Pattaya weather, and also the current weather conditions for the rest of Thailand.
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